Arawak Taino Tribe of Puerto Rico
Mabrika! (Welcome)
The Arawak Taino Still Live!
(1492 - Present)
"The Tribe of First Contact"
The Jaguar Warriors
Native Americans from the island of Boriken (Puerto Rico) and the US Mainland are historically known to be enthusiastic military service member and proud veterans. They have fought in every war and conflict in which the United States has participated including service in the illustrious 65th Infantry Regiment WWI-Korea. Before that we fought for our native mountain homeland against the invading Spanish conquistadors in several rebellions against Spanish domination. Our oral history takes our warrior heritage back even further to the time of the Jaguar Warrior Societies.
The Jaguar Warrior Clan was traditionally located in the mountains of Boriken in an area called Haguar. Archaeological evidence validates the oral history of Jaguar Warriors from this region on the island of Puerto Rico. The territory of Haguar is located in the current municipality of Caguax, which is part of "Las Indieras" ("The Indian Lands").
4th Infantry Division - Desert Storm - US Army 1991-2000
Sergeant First Class Modesto Cartagena (July 21, 1921 – March 2, 2010) Cayey, Boriken United States Army 65th Infantry Regiment -World War II & Korean War The most decorated soldier in Puerto Rican history.
3rd Armor Division - Vietnam
4th Infantry Division - Desert Storm - US Army 1991-2000
"The purpose of the Arawak Jaguar Warrior Society is to keep alive the warrior spirit and traditions of our warrior ancestors through service to our people. Historically the warrior societies had their own songs, dances, and traditions that were different then the rest of the people in the village. As warriors we stand as the line of defense for our elders, women and children and would be the last to leave when being attacked in order to give the others time to escape. As warriors we also take care of one another in times of need. Today this can encompass many things such as food deliveries to elders, volunteering in mentor programs for our youth, community activism, cultural education and more. The focus of our service being to our Taino people, our elders, and the next generation of all First Nations. "
Daca Kacike Naboria AmaHura
Qualifying enrolled tribal members can request membership into the Jaguar Warrior Society- Yucayeke Guaribo Haguar. The criteria for memberships includes honorably discharged and active/reserve/national guard service military veterans, police officers , EMT's and firefighters. For further information email us at this link.
More information will be posted soon as well as more pictures of past and present service members of the Jaguar Warrior Society.
The Jaguar Warrior Society is proud to have taken part helping the 65th Infantry Regiment recieve the Congressional Gold Medal from The President of the United States of America. Through the collective efforts of Boricuas around the world the 65th Infantry Regiment has finally recieved the recognition they desreve. For more info on the 65th Infantry Regiment click on this link Borinqueneers.